By Amy Husted, Komae Co-Founder
Work-life balance. I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase buzzing around the internet and maybe even around the office. I know I have. It’s a phrase that can dive me deep into a pit of mommy guilt because, as a working mom, work-life balance is a dream that feels unattainable. When I’m working, I feel guilty I’m not with my kids. When I’m with my kids, I feel guilty that I’m letting my work responsibilities slip. I believe this vicious cycle has been caused by our culture trying to put a definition of what work-life balance IS, when really, there is no magic formula that works for every family and every job. I believe that your work-life balance should be unique to you. So I’ve made my work-life balance unique to me.
My Work-Life Balance
I’m currently on vacation, writing this blog from the porch of our beach rental. Some people would frown on that. They’d say if you’re on vacation, you need to unplug. But in my case, I disagree. I’m working a job that I LOVE and honestly, I have a lot more head space when I’m on vacation that allows me to do better, more creative, work. For those of you know haven’t met me yet, I’m one of the co-founders of Komae – a free app that allows parents to swap sits and schedule playdates with their trusted friends.
I don’t feel the need to have a black and white line between my work and my life. Heck. How can I when my work is such a HUGE part of my life? Sure, I may boot up the laptop and pump out some work at 9 PM after the kids are in bed, but I also have the privilege of leaving the office early to get my kids off the bus. I might be working from my couch on a Saturday afternoon, but I get to go to the pool with my kiddos on a Tuesday morning.
My work-life balance is not conventional. And my work definitely leans closer to 60 hours a week rather than the typical 40. But I love my work. And I’m satisfied by what my hard work accomplishes. It works for me. Sure, I could be binge watching the latest shows on Netflix or read a book instead. But quite honestly, writing a blog while sitting on the porch of a beach house is surely not a bad deal. In fact, it’s a very lucky deal. And it’s much better than taking no vacation at all.
Audrey Wallace and Amy Husted, Komae Founders
Your Work-Life Balance
I very much recognize that not everyone’s job can be set up this way. Perhaps you are someone that is passionate about work and home life not crossing paths. If that works for you and you’re able to make the divide… great! On the other hand, maybe you’re someone who wants to say goodbye to the black and white and invite in the gray line of flexibility. But, maybe you can’t because you’re in a job that doesn’t allow for that. Or maybe you’re stuck in a job you hate and you’re deeply desiring a change.
Let me tell you a secret. Audrey, my co-founder, and I did not start Komae by quitting our day jobs and working 40-60 hours a week on our start-up. Not even close. Audrey and I were two stay-at-home moms when the idea of Komae came to us, and we started small, working maybe 30 minutes a day. From there we grew our time commitment as Komae grew, and over the years we’ve come to work full time on it. But by no means did we jump in head first all fast and furious. And you don’t have to either.
How Komae Can Help
If finding uninterrupted time is difficult for you, Komae can be the answer. One of the reasons Audrey and I started a traditional co-op many moons ago, was so we could each work on our side hustles. This was before Komae was even an idea on a napkin. Audrey wanted to grow her Rodan + Fields business and I wanted to grow my at-home bakery boutique, La Hoot Bakery. In order for us to reach our goals, we needed time. And to have time, we needed childcare. So we started swapping with friends. I sit for you. You sit for me. Everybody wins and no one spends a dime. And that’s exactly what Komae offers for you.
Build your village. Raise your tribe. Reach your dreams. Together.